From the course: Build Spring Boot Apps with the Kotlin Programming Language

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Step 1: Explaining the challenge

Step 1: Explaining the challenge

- [Instructor] Hello and welcome back. In this chapter, we're going to turn our project into a functional application. By that I mean an application that will do something meaningful. Clearly because this is a training course what we're building here is a cut down version of a full theater booking system, rather than the complete system with all the bells and whistles. But I'll start by just demonstrating what the end result is going to look like. So they'll be a set of pages, very simple actually, where we can add in a list of performances. So right now I've got two performances in the system and we'll be able to add in another performance and just save that in our database. On the main screen, we'll then be able to check if a seat is available for a particular performance. So for example we can see is seat nine in row F available for Much Ado About Nothing? And we're told that seat's available. We can book it, let's say the customer's called Miriam. We'll click on book now. It tells…
