From the course: Build Spring Boot Apps with the Kotlin Programming Language

Installing IntelliJ

- [Instructor] So if you are still here, then you need to go to this website, which is and then click on the Download link and there are two versions of IntelliJ. There's a paid for version called Ultimate and a Community version, which is free and open source. I'll let you read through what you get in the paid for version, but for us the Community version is good enough. So that's what we will get and we just need to click on the Download link. Now I'm using Windows here so it's automatically going to download for me the version of IntelliJ for Windows. If you're using a Mac it will just download the Mac version. While that's downloading, if you've got a Mac once the application is downloaded you'll just need to double click on the DMG file and then drag the icon into Applications and that will install IntelliJ for you. You can then start IntelliJ from your Applications folder and I do need to warn you that it is very slow to start the first time that you run it. It does speed up after the first time. Now I'm going to do the Windows installation because that's actually a little bit more complicated than the Mac version, but if you're a Mac user do keep watching because once I've installed the Windows version I'm going to show you just how to set up a standard Hello World type Java project and run it to make sure that everything is working. If you're on Windows like me, just click the file that's been downloaded and we'll run it just like a typical Windows installer. Click on Next. I'm going to accept the default destination. We then get this screen. Now you don't get this on the Mac version. I'm not sure why, but on Windows you can pick between the 64-bit or 32-bit version. I've got a 64-bit version of Windows here, so I'm picking the 64-bit version and I want to associate .kt files with IntelliJ. KT is the Kotlin files. I'll leave you to decide if you want to associate Java and Groovy as well. I've got Eclipse installed on this machine and .java is currently associated with Eclipse for me and I don't want to change that just for the moment, so I'm only ticking this .kt file. We'll then click on Next and I'll pause the camera while this installs. Okay, well we've got there now so we'll click on Finish. I'm just going to tick this box that says Run IntelliJ and we'll need to scroll down to the bottom of this page before we can click on Accept. I'll leave you to read the license agreement and your choice as to whether or not you're going to send usage statistics. I'm going to put Don't Send here because the machine I'm on isn't on the internet the whole time and you get a choice now as to which of the UI themes you're going to use. I'm choosing this version here because simply that version is better on the camera. Although when I'm coding I tend to use this darkular version. Your choice, so pick whichever you like and then you get a choice of default plugins. Actually the default ones are absolutely fine. We don't need to do anything here. So we can just simply click on Next and then start using IntelliJ.
