From the course: Crowdfunding Campaigns for Independent Film

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Why crowdfund?

Why crowdfund?

- Obviously the number one reason to crowdfund your film is to try and obtain low-cost capital to make it. Traditionally you might have an angel investor but you would likely need to tap into your personal savings, credit cards, or loans from friends and family to make your film. Crowdfunding allows you to find funding from all over the world. But crowdfunding campaigns can help with a number of things besides your budget. It gets your film out there. Assuming you offer your completed film as a reward to your backers, which obviously you should, it gets your film in front of the potential fans and increases your profile as a film producer, which is ultimately what filmmakers want. Film marketing. A successful campaign will show that there is an audience and market for your film. If your campaign is unsuccessful, all is not lost. It provides feedback that perhaps you should revisit your concept or execution. It allows you to engage with your audience. The campaign itself provides a way…
