From the course: Crowdfunding Campaigns for Independent Film

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Perk fulfillment strategies

Perk fulfillment strategies

- Now that you've succeeded in raising your goal, don't forget how you got there. Don't just let contributions occur in a vacuum. Make sure to thank every backer personally, immediately after they contribute. Don't wait, make it a daily effort. Designate someone on your team specifically to this task. If you're able to thank your backer publicly on social media, do it. When you send them an email, ask them to share your campaign with their network, or make sure to include a link to your campaign in the tweet thanking them. It's easy to let deadlines for fulfilling perks slide once your campaign is finished after all the work you've just done. Don't, obviously your most important perk, copies, or links to your film will have to wait, but everything that isn't dependent on finishing your film should be fulfilled as soon as possible. To do that, you first need to get organized. Most platforms include survey and reporting tools to gather information from your backers. Use them and your…
