From the course: Stream Processing Design Patterns with Kafka Streams

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Leaderboards: Use case design

Leaderboards: Use case design

- [Instructor] In this video, I will discuss the example use case for which we will build a leaderboard in this chapter. I will also explore the design for this example. The example use case for leaderboards is to build a gaming leaderboard for players. It shows the players who have the current top scores. The scores are continuously updated and these code increments are published to Kafka. So, the input is a Kafka topic that contains score increments by players. It is a key value input where the key represents the player. The value represents the score increment for the player. The goal is to maintain a player leaderboard based on the current total scores. What is the pipeline design for this use case? The input is a Kafka topic called streaming.leaderboards.input. Each message received would be a key value pair. This needs to be converted to a KStream for further processing. The next stage is to update the leaderboard…
