From the course: Mastering Web Developer Interview Code

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Staying motivated, with Raymond Camden

Staying motivated, with Raymond Camden

From the course: Mastering Web Developer Interview Code

Staying motivated, with Raymond Camden

- Hey there, this is Ray Villalobos and this week we're talking to Raymond Camden, a developer evangelist at IBM. Raymond has a popular blog and writes for various online publications. Plus he also speaks at a lot of technical events and he's also a LinkedIn Learning as well as a book author. He previously worked at Adobe also as an developer evangelist. So how's it going, Raymond? - It's going great. How about for you? - Super good, man. So really nice talking to you. I remember I actually met you at a fluent conference conference, which was fantastic. So, developer evangelists isn't always a role that everybody is familiar with. So can you talk about how you got into that and what exactly it entails? - Yeah sure, so to me, what the job entails is trying to get people excited about technology. Normally it should (laughs) kind of sync up with what my company is doing. But the best companies…
