コース: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training



Making a series chart

Making a series chart - JavaScriptのチュートリアル

コース: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training


Making a series chart

- [Narrator] So far, we've only seen one method for getting multiple series onto the same chart, and that's stack. So we've added the first series with group, and then we've used the stack mix-in to add a second series, and that's fine when the series are additive, when it makes sense to add them up. But sometimes you want to compare different series, rather than stack them, and for that you want a series chart. A series chart in DC is designed to accept multiple series onto the same axis grid. They might be presented as a line chart, or a scatter chart, or even a bar chart. We're going to start by creating a line chart, then an area, and then we'll look at a bar chart. So I'm going to start off with my box plot file, because it already brings in the Morley data, and we're going to use the Morley data again for the series chart. So we can keep all of that data change there, and we can comment that out, and in fact we can delete our dimensions, because we are going to create a new one.…
