From the course: Mastering Web Developer Interview Code

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How do you use arrow functions in ES6?

How do you use arrow functions in ES6?

From the course: Mastering Web Developer Interview Code

How do you use arrow functions in ES6?

- [Instructor] Arrow functions are one of the new features in JavaScript and a lot of companies are implementing them into day-to-day code. So you need to understand how to read them and also implement them into your own coding practices stake a look at how they work, and then take a look at an example of converting an existing script. Now here's an existing function part of a click event that you may want to replace with arrow functions also called fat arrows. Essentially arrow functions are a shortcut to the JavaScript function keyword and they allow you to shorten the syntax and do more in less room. They can be a little bit hard to read, but once you understand what is going on, they're pretty handy. They are designed to substitute the anonymous function syntax, which means for functions with no name like this one right here. So the first thing you need to know is that they let you get rid of this function keyword and…
