From the course: JavaScript: Ajax and Fetch

Creating and working with API requests - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JavaScript: Ajax and Fetch

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Creating and working with API requests

- [Sasha] Ajax is the backbone of interactive high-performance web apps. It allows you to incorporate new content into a web app without reloading the page. But using Ajax effectively requires understanding different JavaScript syntaxes, as well as working with data and manipulating the contents of the browser window. Building code using both XHR and Fetch can help you get a handle on how Ajax is implemented across different code bases. Examining Ajax requests and responses in the browser and working with data structures to modify webpage content can give you practice putting Ajax to practical use. In my LinkedIn Learning course, I explore modern coding practices, as well as those found in some legacy code, and I also show you how to secure your API keys in a proxy server. I'm Sasha Vodnik, and I've been writing JavaScript since the browser wars of the '90s. If you want to get in a firmer footing with making API requests and incorporating the results into your apps, I invite you to join me for this course on Ajax and Fetch.
