From the course: Data Science for Java Developers

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- [Speaker] So we've covered mapping, filtering, and collecting, and the last method that we're going to cover here that's relevant at this point in the game is the sorted method. So, the sorted method is used a lot like filter or map, or collect, it's called on a stream. And what it'll do is, it'll allow us to sort the data in that stream into a different order than we originally had it. So for instance here, our numbers here are already in order. At least, ascending order. But we might want to do something like sort our words in our words list alphabetically, or do something like sort our employees alphabetically by name, or sort them by their salary, something like that. Now, the way that we do that again, is using the sorted method. And I'm just going to show you what that looks like. So, as our example here, let's say we wanted to sort our employees in ascending order by their salary, what that would look like,…
