From the course: Learning Java Enterprise Edition

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- [Instructor] Okay, so the second challenge was to have a look at the PrimeFaces website and see where you can find the code examples that you can use in your JSF pages. Here we are at the PrimeFaces website, And on this website you'll see, if we go to the demo section, in the PrimeFaces section on the demo section, a list on the left of all the current available examples of code that can be used within your website. For example, let's have a look at the input section. Here we can see something called AutoComplete. This is what we used in our view. But we also have various other inputs such as text input, which is a very, very simple input. It is nothing more than simply this. This is effectively syntactic sugar. I have html. But also we have other things such as signature, which allows you to write a signature and submit it, and here we are. If we scroll down, we can see the code that runs behind this. Have a look at this. This is very, very little code for what is…
