From the course: Data Science for Java Developers

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Setting up JavaFX

Setting up JavaFX

- [instructor] Okay, so at this point in the course, we've seen not only how to represent data in our programs, but also how to load it and manipulate it. That's kind of what we've been covering in the past few chapters. And the next thing that I want to take a look at is how to actually visualize data. Now, obviously, data visualization is a very important part of data science since when we ran our programs from before. So let's say we run our CSV loading program from before. We're going to see, of course, that the data that it outputs is really sort of difficult for humans to look at, right, it's hard for us to really tell what's going on just by looking at data in this kind of format. And similarly, if we were to run our text loading program from before, it's pretty hard for us to tell what's going on in the data that we're looking at here. So one thing that we're going to take a look at now is how to actually represent…
