From the course: Data Science for Java Developers

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Loading tab-separated files

Loading tab-separated files - Java Tutorial

From the course: Data Science for Java Developers

Loading tab-separated files

- [Instructor] So at this point, we've seen how to basically load data from a text file by getting all the lines and then parsing each of those lines into an actual object. We're going to do another example of this just to solidify all the concepts we've covered so far and instead of using the adult data that we've seen we're going to actually use a different data set called auto mpg and basically what this data set includes is data about cars, their model, make year, weight and miles per gallon. And you can see all this in the auto file and auto mpg.names file, which just like in the adult.names file contains basically all of the relevant information about the data set. So we can see that it's got miles per gallon, it's got the number of cylinders, the displacement, horsepower, weight, its acceleration, model year, et cetera. And you're going to see also that it's warning us that we do have some missing values…
