From the course: Learning Java Enterprise Edition

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Introduction to the IDE

Introduction to the IDE

- [Instructor] In this video we will learn which IDEs are commonly used to develop enterprise applications and where to obtain the Cargo Tracker application source code. I'm going to be using IntelliJ IDEA ultimate edition, and we'll be showing how to import the project and configure the IDE to use GlassFish. Even though I have chosen to use IntelliJ, you can use whichever IDE you'd like. The most popular alternatives are NetBeans and Eclipse. Both are suitable for Java EE development, with NetBeans winning out a little over Eclipse as Eclipse has poor support for Maven projects. But the good news is that they are both free and have a large community that can help out if you run into trouble. As already mentioned, we are going to use a demo application called Cargo Tracker during the course to examine it and discover the diverse features of the Java EE APIs. Visit the Cargo Tracker homepage at where you'll see some interesting getting started instructions and…
