From the course: Learning JVM Languages: JVM, Java, Scala

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Create an Akka project

Create an Akka project

- [Instructor] This is the third video of the section Creating an Akka Project. In the previous video, we worked with SBT. In this video, we'll start with adding Akka dependencies to the SBT build file. Then we'll update the Scala IDE project and learn about some Akka concepts. We'll also create actors and messages. We'll perform unit testing an actor using the ScalaTest library and write a runnable application. Akka is a modular toolkit for creating robust, distributed applications. It works with the actor model, which will be explained in more depth later, and makes great use of Scala's functional programming features. It's a huge library, so we can only demonstrate a small portion of it in this video. Visit the Akka website for more information. It's recommended that you have Akka documentation at your fingertips while creating this project. Visit this link for more information on Akka documentation. Let's start with adding an Akka dependency to the SBT build trial. In the main…
