From the course: Data Science for Java Developers

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- [Instructor] Okay, so we've seen map and filters so far. The next method we're going to take a look at is a method that we've actually seen before and that is this collect method here. Cause so far we've been mainly using the collect method almost exclusively in fact, to convert a stream back into a list. But in fact, we can actually use the collect method for a lot of different purposes, depending on what we need it for. So one example of this is instead of converting to a list we could convert our stream to a set. So let's say that instead of having our long words list be a list. We wanted it to be a set. We could basically just change that like that. And instead of saying collectors.tolist we would say collectors.toset. And just as a side note here the collector's class here has a lot of static methods like this that allow us to really change the functionality of this collect method and the type that it returns.…
