From the course: Learning Java Enterprise Edition

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Basic architecture

Basic architecture

- [Instructor] Now we're going to look at application architecture, and discover the difference between monolithic and microservice architectures, and why scalability is important. We will see how the Java EE APIs fit into the logical layers of a typical monolithic application structure. The most common way to develop and package a web application has always been to collect all the resources, components, and class files into a single web application or Enterprise archive file, and deploy it into a web server. So a typical application for a book store might include components that manage the user's accounts, process payments, control stock, customer service, and generate front-end views. All this is developed in one monolithic application, and then packaged and deployed into a web server. The components are packaged together in a logical modular form, and deployed as one single monolithic application. It's a very simple way to develop and deploy an application, because it's only one…
