From the course: Java EE 8 Essential Training

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JBoss Tools installation

JBoss Tools installation - Java EE Tutorial

From the course: Java EE 8 Essential Training

JBoss Tools installation

- [Instructor] Throughout the course, we'll be using Eclipse as our IDE. Before you move forward, you will need to install Eclipse and a JDK. I'm using Eclipse Version 4.13 and JDK 11. I'd highly recommend matching these versions for best results in the course. With the JDK installed and Eclipse up and running, we're going to go ahead and add some tooling into the IDE. JBoss provides some additional tools for Eclipse that helps developers build Java applications with WildFly. Let's go ahead and install these tools. So to do so, click on Help, and then go to the Eclipse Marketplace. And within the Eclipse Marketplace, we're simply going to search for JBoss and that will pull up the tooling and there they are. So you see the JBoss Tools version and we're going to go ahead and install these tools. So just hit Install. And it's going to load all of the packages and then from there, we're just going…
