From the course: Java Persistence API (JPA): 2 Inheritance and Querying

Development environment setup

From the course: Java Persistence API (JPA): 2 Inheritance and Querying

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Development environment setup

- [Instructor] To set up your local development environment, you will need several tools. JDK Version 8 or above, your favorite Maven-aware Java IDE, like IntelliJ, Eclipse, NetBeans, et cetera. During the demonstrations, I will use IntelliJ. So let me show you the project in IntelliJ. So this is an example of the project that we'll develop. You will also need a web browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, et cetera. During the demonstrations, I will be using Firefox. So let me show that to you. So here is a look at Firefox. And lastly, you will need Postman. It is the client that we will use for testing our application, so let me show you that. So this is a look at Postman. We will use this to test our web service APIs. So there you have it. You've seen all of the tools that we'll need during this course to set up our development environment.
