From the course: Java EE: Packaging and Deploying an App

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Deploy using autodeploy

Deploy using autodeploy

- [Instructor] Now that we have our project setup and built, let's go ahead and run it with the built-in tools inside of NetBeans. The beauty of using IDE's like NetBeans is that you don't have to setup several items, like, for example, your server. We'll also look at another method to automatically deploy your application by dropping it into a folder for auto deployment locally. So, the first thing when we get into our NetBeans IDE, or whatever IDE you're using, you want to make sure that your server is running. So right now, our server isn't running, so what I need to do is go inside of the services and inside of the server here, you should see a server. If you don't, you can right-click and then add server and then make sure that you setup a GlassFish server. Once you have that, you can right-click on GlassFish and then start, and it's going to start your GlassFish server, and then a Java DB database that is included with NetBeans. Once this is running, you can go back to our…
