From the course: Autodesk Inventor Routed Systems: Pipes

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Buidling a route

Buidling a route

- [INSTRUCTOR] Now that I have an automatically routed run in place, I'll go ahead and start my tube and pipe run, create a new pipe run, I'll validate my style, and create a new pipe run. Accept the default name, and create a new route. For this route, I want to place it manually. I'll begin my route just as I did before, selecting the location, and then I'll begin to move my cursor along the path. If I'm too near the beginning of the route, or too near an elbow in the route, it will not allow me to place a connection. You'll see an X appear, telling you that you're forbidden from selecting that point. As you move out, you'll see the cursor turn to a blue dot, where it's not recommended but it can accepted, and moving out a little farther, you'll find the dot turns green. You can select any point along this axis, even extending or shrinking the axis by using the plus or minus keys, or as you're hovered over the axis, you can simply type in a value, hit the Enter key, and we'll place…
