From the course: Autodesk Inventor Routed Systems: Pipes

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Automatic routing

Automatic routing

- [Man] I have an assembly of several items that I need to interconnect with piping. To begin the process, I'll go to the Environments tab, and start at the Tube & Pipe Tools. I can put in a custom name for the overall name of the tube and pipes assembly, and specify an initial run name for the first run. This case, I'll accept defaults, as I'll do throughout this course. I'll review which style is active in my run, and select the one, in this course, that most closely approximates the style that I'd like to use. Typically, you would refine your library to only include the styles that you use and the specific sizes that you use. For these purposes, I need to make a modification to this style. I'll double click and change the desired size to one and one-half inches. Make sure I'm on schedule 40 and accept these changes. I can, if I choose to, copy that style and create an alternative. With the Pipe Run tab active, I'll go to the Route panel, and tell it that I'd like to create a new…
