From the course: InDesign Secrets

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Where did the application bar widgets go?

Where did the application bar widgets go? - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

Where did the application bar widgets go?

- [Instructor] It's funny, but as more and more users update to the latest version, which, as of this recording, is 2020, one of their frequent questions is, what happened to all the widgets? All the little menus and things that used to appear up here? It was in the application bar on a Mac, or in the menu bar on Windows, and now they're gone. Now, which ones am I talking about? Well, I have InDesign CC 2019 running, and I'll jump to that right now. Are you talking about all of these little guys? The view scale and the menus to view and hide frame edges, and view modes, and the in out menu, even the GPU thing. So, why are they gone? Have they just been removed from the program? Why, no. InDesign is cleaning up its interface. It's trying to make it simpler. Remember that, by default, most users see the essential workspace, which is quite cleaner than the crazy advanced one, or whatever kind of custom ones you've created.…
