From the course: Type Tips

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Five steps to well-justified text

Five steps to well-justified text

From the course: Type Tips

Five steps to well-justified text

- [Instructor] In this week's type tip, I'm gonna go over five things that we can do to achieve well-justified text to make sure that we have a good type density or an even type color. These are the five things. Let's dive right into the document. So I have here a continuous flow of text all in one column. It's a novel, but this is applicable to any time you're using justified text. In order to achieve the justification, the smooth right-hand edge, InDesign needs to vary the spaces between the words. So there needs to be enough words or enough characters on every line in order for that variation to be as imperceptible as possible. With the Info panel, we can check out how many characters we have per line. How many is enough? Well, different people have different standards. But if you aim for at least 50 to 60 characters per line, then you'll be in good shape. So if I triple-click on this line, and the Info panel doesn't seem to be wanna behave for me, so I'm gonna close it and then…
