From the course: Type Tips

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Creating info boxes

Creating info boxes

From the course: Type Tips

Creating info boxes

- [Instructor] This week's Type Tip is about creating fact or info boxes. Look in magazines, you'll see these things all over the place. A graphically arresting way of presenting short snippets of information. The formatting involved with these fact or info boxes can often be quite fussy. So this is about how we can take the time to get it right and then save the paragraph styles and the object styles, and then apply all of that formatting with just a single click, just like this. So here I have raw text. There's no paragraph, character, or object formatting here. I can just select the frame, come to my object styles, and apply the object style to get all of that formatting in one go. I'm gonna start with this one, with most of the paragraph and character formatting already completed, and then just show you how we can add the rule at the top and the border. So just a quick rundown on what we have here in this scenario. Let's assume this frame is sized to an exact column width. So we…
