From the course: InDesign Secrets

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Copy and paste object positions with the Eyedropper

Copy and paste object positions with the Eyedropper - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

Copy and paste object positions with the Eyedropper

- [Instructor] I have found that in the InDesign world there are two kind of people. There are people who love the eyedropper tool and people who hate the eyedropper tool. I have a foot in either camp but if you are in either camp, I'm going to show you this cool feature that might make you love the eyedropper tool a little bit more and that is a secret feature that kind of quietly snuck in about one or two versions ago. Let me show you when it would comes in handy. We have a bunch of slides. I'm working on a template and I have this round circle that I think the user might want to use for some sort of highlighting on every slide but check this out, they're already in the wrong position. They're in different positions. I want them in the same position on every slide. Now, I didn't think ahead and add it to the master page. I didn't think ahead and put it in the right place in one page and then copied it…
