From the course: InDesign Secrets

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Adding descriptions to scripts

Adding descriptions to scripts - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

Adding descriptions to scripts

- [Instructor] Here's a cool tip for anyone who uses lots of scripts, like I do and like a lot of InDesign professionals that I know do. The problem is that looking at your list of scripts, some of the names don't quite describe what the script does, especially if you downloaded it and added it to your script collection a few years ago. What does Counter do? What does Compose C3 do and so on? Now some scripts have a tool tip that lets you know. So like, if I hover over mysteriousbutton.jsx, it says Edit Button Descriptions. Okay, well that gives me an idea of what would happen if I double clicked Button, but I just hate double clicking a script and then something crazy happens or it yells at me because I was supposed to have a selection first and I didn't know. So, the tip is how to add your own tool tips and it's actually quite simple and it's provided by my friend Ariel Walden who is a scripter for publishers and…
