From the course: InDesign Secrets

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418 Right-align numbers in a numbered list

418 Right-align numbers in a numbered list - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

418 Right-align numbers in a numbered list

- [David] There's nothing wrong with this numbered list. It looks fine, but some designers prefer having the numbers line up along their decimal points instead of zig-zagging in and out, and it's not immediately obvious how you can do that in InDesign, so I want to show you. Now, I've created and applied a paragraph style to this text, which you can see down here in the Paragraph Styles panel. It's just called list. So I'm going to right-click on that and choose Edit. Then, I'll click Bullets and Numbering. Now, I want to be sure my Preview checkbox is turned on down here, and I better move this dialog box out of the way so I can see what I'm doing. Now down here in the Bullet or Number Position area, you can see that I can set the alignment from left to right, but it doesn't seem to do anything, and that's where most people stop, but the reason it's not doing anything is that you need to create more space on the left…
