From the course: InDesign Secrets

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414 One click to better-looking type

414 One click to better-looking type - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

414 One click to better-looking type

- [Instructor] I want to show you a little trick to getting better looking type in InDesign, especially when you're working with justified text like this. That is, text where the margin is flush on the left and the right. Now, the goal of justified text is to make the left and right column edges appear as clean and even as possible, right? But look over here. The right edge appears to zigzag in and out whenever you see a little punctuation, like a hyphen or a comma. Now, technically the margin is mathematically straight, but it doesn't look straight because these little characters don't take much room. So there's a rule in typography that says, don't make it right, make it look right. And fortunately there's an easy way to make these margins look more right, and you can find it inside the story panel. And you can find that up here in the type menu. In fact, this panel has just one feature, called optical margin…
