From the course: InDesign Secrets

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399 Properties panel: Text and styles tips

399 Properties panel: Text and styles tips - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

399 Properties panel: Text and styles tips

- [Anne-Marie] I want to give you some tips and tricks for working with the Properties panel when you're working with text in this InDesign Secrets video. I've had a couple of other videos that I've already done about working with objects and working with the Properties panel itself in overview because I think it's important for us to delve more deeply into Properties since it is the panel that appears by default for all new users. Now if you are an experienced user with many years of InDesign under your belt, then you probably don't need the Properties panel, which is mainly designed to help new users, casual users, occasional users get on board quickly without being overwhelmed. Instead you should be using the Essentials Classic workspace here, which is what we've always had up until CC 2019, or the Advanced, or one of your other ones where you're using the Control Panel instead, which has access to basically all the features for text and type, including information here in the…
