From the course: InDesign Secrets

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398 Change balanced ragged lines to pyramids

398 Change balanced ragged lines to pyramids - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

398 Change balanced ragged lines to pyramids

- [Instructor] This headline is ridiculous, right? The first line is way too long and the second line is too short. But we can fix this in various ways. One option would be to insert a forced line break. For example, I'll place one here by clicking with my text cursor just before the word for and then pressing Shift + Return or Shift + Enter. That forces that text down on to the second line. But it's kind of drastic because if I had to edit this line later or I needed it to reflow differently, that would get in the way. So I'm going to delete that extra character. Now another way to do this would be to adjust the right margin. But I want to show you a different method. A really clever method called Balance Ragged Lines. You can find it way over here in the menu inside the Control panel. There it is. Balance Ragged Lines. But I prefer to apply this inside a Paragraph Style. So I'll open my Paragraph Styles panel and I'm going to double-click on my heading style that I've created. Up…
