From the course: InDesign Secrets

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393 Case-sensitive spell checks for custom words

393 Case-sensitive spell checks for custom words - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

393 Case-sensitive spell checks for custom words

- [Instructor] Like many of you out there, I am a stickler for correct spelling. Not just correct spelling, but also getting the capitalization correct, especially with all of these high-tech names with InterCaps. Now you can set InDesign to not only flag words that it doesn't recognize, that are not in its default dictionary, and then add them to the dictionary, but you can also get InDesign to recognize when the capitalization is incorrect, and let me show you how to do that. So I have a page open from an actual live document, a recent issue of InDesign Magazine, the column written by my friend, Bob Levine, and I've kind of tweaked it a bit. Let's zoom into this middle column where I have added the word fenugreek, which I know is not inside InDesign's dictionary. And it's easier to watch this video, I think, or to understand what I'm doing if we switch the spelling to Dynamic Spelling, so that we get the little red squiggle under words that InDesign is saying could possibly be…
