From the course: InDesign Secrets

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392 Swap text and images with a free script

392 Swap text and images with a free script - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

392 Swap text and images with a free script

- [Instructor] There are certain kinds of documents that have to be made super quickly and which require a lot of icons or inline graphics and to be honest, InDesign does not make it easy to replace dozens or hundreds of tiny little graphics quickly. So I want to show you a free script that can supercharge these kinds of layouts. In this document here, which is talking about laundry, I have a bunch of text but instead of inserting the images manually, one at a time, I've just typed in key phrases or words that describe them like up here, it says dry clean, low heat. That's just text inside of a text frame right? And over here, inside this story, it says hand wash, normal. What I've liked to do is search through the whole document and look for these kinds of phrases and then automatically swap them with the actual icon, the official graphic that, you know sometimes you see on clothing labels. Now, I already said that I'll be showing you a script. And I've gone ahead and downloaded it…
