From the course: InDesign Secrets

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390 Use Split Window when choosing text colors

390 Use Split Window when choosing text colors - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

390 Use Split Window when choosing text colors

- [Instructor] Okay, I need to vent here for a minute about something in InDesign that is really annoying and that's applying colors to text. Like I want to change the color of this word over here, so I'll double click on it with the type tool to select it, right? And then I'll open my little Fill menu up here in the Control Panel and apply a color, maybe magenta but this color here is definitely not magenta, it's green and of course it looks green because the text is highlighted, so the colors are inverted and I can see the real color just be deselecting but that's so annoying to have to deselect every time you want to see what the color really looks like especially when you're testing out a bunch of different colors to see what looks good. So, I want to let you in on a little trick that takes the frustration out. I'll go ahead and select that word again but now before I go applying colors, I want to click this little button in the lower right corner of the document window. That's…
