From the course: InDesign Secrets

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383 Favorite Bridge tips for InDesign users

383 Favorite Bridge tips for InDesign users - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

383 Favorite Bridge tips for InDesign users

- [Instructor] I want to show you some of my favorite ways to use Bridge when you're an InDesign user. Some things that come in very handy. And if you are already using Bridge then forgive me but for the first 20 seconds I need to explain to the people who've never used Bridge how to download it and why you'd want to use it. Then I'll jump into a few of my favorite techniques and I think you might learn a couple things that are new. First of all, Adobe Bridge is a free program that comes with any CC subscription. Just go to your Creative Cloud app and download it. It doesn't automatically get installed with anything. So I've opened up my CC app and scrolled down, looked for Bridge CC and install it, which I've already done and I'll click open. Works in both Mac and Windows and I'll jump over to Windows in a second. But what is Bridge for? It's kind of like an addition to or a replacement for your operating system's file manager. Which on a Macintosh is the Finder and on Windows is…
