From the course: InDesign Secrets

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379 Troubleshoot missing fonts

379 Troubleshoot missing fonts - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

379 Troubleshoot missing fonts

- [Instructor] Sometimes when you open up a document in InDesign, you get this dialogue box that's telling you it uses fonts that you don't have active. And this font is apparently not an Adobe font, otherwise it would say, would you like to sync this? So, Gill Sans MT Regular is a regular font. Now you might want to jump directly to Find Fonts to get details about it, but normally what I do, and I think this is a great tip that you might want to do as well, is just click Close, and scroll through the document and see if you can spot the dreaded pinking, the highlighting that it uses. Because it might just be applied to some sort of space that you don't care about, but I'll show you that tip and then a couple other tips in this video. As I scroll through the document, looking for that highlighting that InDesign applies, you have to remember that it's not going to show up here in Preview view. You have to switch the view, I'll just tap the W key to normal editing view, and that's where…
