From the course: InDesign Secrets

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378 Change your measurements and rulers

378 Change your measurements and rulers - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

378 Change your measurements and rulers

- [Instructor] Take a look up here in the rulers on the side of my page and up here in the control panel, these are all set to inches. But of course most of the world uses metric measurements, not inches, and many designers use picas and points or even pixels. Fortunately InDesign makes it really easy to switch your measurements. I want to show you several ways to accomplish this because sometimes you'll find yourself wanting to change from one system to another several times a day. So you want to be efficient about it. The basic way to change your measurement system is to open the preferences dialog box. Which you can find on the Mac here inside the InDesign menu. On Windows it's down on the bottom of the edit menu. You can also press command or control K to open this dialog box. Now, click on units and increments in this list on the left. And over here in the ruler unit section, you can see that you can change your measurements for both horizontal and vertical rulers. You have to…
