From the course: InDesign Secrets

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366 Paste with and without text formatting

366 Paste with and without text formatting - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

366 Paste with and without text formatting

- [Instructor] I know. Copy and paste seems like such a simple thing, but there are some subtleties about copy and paste that you should understand if you're going to get the most out of this program. And one of those has to do with pasting formatted text. When you paste text into InDesign, it treats it totally differently based on whether the text was copied from InDesign, like elsewhere in the same document, or from another document, or if it was copied from another program. So if I select this text up here, which is, obviously, formatted, and I'll copy it by pressing command C or control C on Windows, and then I'm gonna come down here and paste it inside this paragraph by pressing command or control V. Well, it brought all the formatting with it, right? In this case, I didn't want that. So I'll undo it with command or control Z, and now, in this case, I want to strip away all the formatting. I want it to take on the formatting of the target paragraph. So I'll head up to the edit…
