From the course: InDesign Secrets

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365 Quick check for TypeKit fonts

365 Quick check for TypeKit fonts - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

365 Quick check for TypeKit fonts

- [Instructor] A lot of InDesign users and their managers are divided on the topic of using Typekit fonts. Typekit fonts are the fonts that you sync from the website. You get hundreds of fonts available to you with any CC subscription. But the problem is that you have to have a CC subscription in order to use those fonts. If you give this file to a freelancer who is not using CC, they are not going to be able to get the fonts because you can't package those fonts. All right, all that division aside, I wanna talk about what happens if, in your case, you need to make sure that no Typekit fonts are being used in this document. Perhaps you work for a company that's not allowed to use Typekit and you get a layout from a freelancer or from a new designer who may not know about it, maybe they're working at home and were using Typekit. Or maybe you use Typekit for proofing and you don't want it to sneak into the final version. Or you wanna archive this file and you wanna make sure…
