From the course: InDesign Secrets

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361 Use the No Break option to format characters

361 Use the No Break option to format characters - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

361 Use the No Break option to format characters

- [Instructor] One of the most useful features in InDesign for setting type is the character formatting attribute called, No Break. It lets you select a couple words or a phrase and then set it so that the words don't break at the end of the line, thus the name, No Break. And the command can be found in many places. Here, I'm going to the control panel menu, and there you see No Break. So I select No Break, and both words stick together. Now there is a problem with No Break, in that you can't tell where it's been applied. If you go to the Type menu and you turn on Show Hidden Characters, it would be nice if something like a squiggle or something appeared under words to which you've applied No Break, but that's not true. The only way to tell if something has No Break in it, is to actually click inside it, and then look inside the control panel menu, and if a check mark appears, yes, No Break has been applied. So if I select this phrase and come up here, nope, No Break has not been…
