From the course: InDesign Secrets

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357 Extract anchored text frames

357 Extract anchored text frames - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

357 Extract anchored text frames

- [Instructor] When you are working with text that has anchored text frames inside it, sometimes you really need to extract the text out of there and make it part of the main text flow. But it can be difficult. I'm gonna show you a fast way to do it with a free script and how to use the script. First let's talk about doing this manually. Here I have a text frame and inside I have an anchored pull quote. You can tell it's anchored because there's a little anchor icon in there and as I edit the text in the main text frame, the pull quote travels with it. That frame is non printing, so it would look like this when we export to pdf or we print it. How do I get the text out of there? Probably your first inclination, let me switch to normal editing mode, would be to select the text frame with the selection tool and then go to the object menu and choose release, but look, it's dimmed. Why is that? Because release only works with custom anchored objects, not for in-line or above-line. I don't…
