From the course: InDesign Secrets

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335 Edit spacing from the keyboard

335 Edit spacing from the keyboard - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

335 Edit spacing from the keyboard

- I am a big fan of keyboard shortcuts. I know that there are some people who strongly believe in the power of the mouse and the cursor and the fields and the menus, but I think if you want to get really efficient and start using InDesign like second nature, then you really need to start getting some keyboard shortcuts under your belt. In this video, I'm going to show you a few keyboard shortcut tips for setting type, that I think might escape some people's attention. Here we have a one page document. I'll zoom in, with of course a keyboard shortcut, Command or Control + Plus to zoom in. I think that we all know a very simple keyboard shortcut, right, if you select some text and you press Command or Control + Shift + Greater Than, right above the period, that increases the size. Less Than decreases the size. You may also know that if you hold down the Option or Alt key and tap the right arrow on your keyboard, that tracks the type out. You can watch it moving in increments up here in…
