From the course: InDesign Secrets

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333 Tips for formatting text spacing

333 Tips for formatting text spacing - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

333 Tips for formatting text spacing

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at some really handy ways to edit spacing in text from the keyboard. You may already know some of these but I promise you you're going to learn a couple new ones that you might find very useful. For example, let's take a look at this headline. Now, you probably already know that you can select some text and use the option or alt key in Windows and the left or right arrows on your keyboard to change the amount of space in between every letter. That's called tracking, so I'll do that right now and if you watch up here in the tracking field, you'll see it move in increments of 21/1000 of an M, so that's tracking and I can add a special key to make it go in larger increments. That one was really large. And in addition, instead of changing the tracking, like let me do that here, I will tighten up the tracking by option or alt left arrow, I can change just the amount of space in between the words instead of all of the letters. So, let's say I'm really happy…
