From the course: InDesign Secrets

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325 Link text frames

325 Link text frames - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

325 Link text frames

- [Instructor] I love the new feature in Adobe InDesign CC 2018 that lets you link text frames. You just open up your CC library panel and drag and drop a selection from your document into there. And then when you go to another document in InDesign you can drag and drop what you just brought over to CC library. And it is linked, it gets a little cloud icon and it appears here in the links panel. But one thing that I don't like about it is that everything is linked. Both the styling and the text. But I want to show you a little trick where you can actually apply different styling to the text, even while maintaining the link. So, let's see what happens if you don't us the little trick. I've brought it over into this document, and I'll go ahead and bring over the same CC library into this document. And now let's edit the original. We can't edit the first one because that's not linked. That was just the source. To edit the original, you actually double click it right inside the CC…
