From the course: InDesign Secrets

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324 Top 10 keyboard shortcuts to know

324 Top 10 keyboard shortcuts to know - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

324 Top 10 keyboard shortcuts to know

- [Instructor] I learned long ago that the best way to become really efficient with InDesign, or almost any program really, is to learn some keyboard shortcuts. Now, you don't have to memorize all of them or even dozens of them, but there are some that you just owe it to yourself to use every day. And the truth is, that everyone needs a different set of shortcuts because everyone uses InDesign differently. But here are 10 shortcuts that I think just about everyone should know. Now, I should point out, these are not in any particular order. Okay, first, cmd + opt + n or Ctr + alt + n on Windows creates a new document based on the last document preset you used without all the bother of opening the new document dialogue box. This is just so much faster. Second, cmd + d, or ctr + d on Windows, opens the place dialogue box. InDesign is all about importing text and graphics, right? You're going to use this 100 times a day. I'll simply select both of those files, click Open and it loads my…
