From the course: InDesign Secrets

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317 Color fills with Eye Dropper

317 Color fills with Eye Dropper - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

317 Color fills with Eye Dropper

- [Instructor] A common situation when you're working InDesign files is that you'd like to pull a color that's being used in a placed image. And add that to your Swatches panel so that you can fill type with it, or fill a background frame. Something like that. Now, normally you would use the eye dropper tool. This little guy right here. But sometimes it doesn't work that well. And let me show you when it doesn't work and how you can fix it in this tip. First, let's take a look at the kinds of images that we have on this single page here. If I open up the Links panel I can select this beautiful picture of the gardens and see that it's a JPG. And if I open up Link Info I can see that it's CMYK. This placed postcard over here on the left is a TIFF file, which is RGB. And just because it says RGB in the file name doesn't mean it's really RGB. You never know what the person who created the image, what they actually did to the image after they named it. Down here, we have a really pretty…
