From the course: InDesign Secrets

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283 Use Quick Apply to Drag and Drop

283 Use Quick Apply to Drag and Drop - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

283 Use Quick Apply to Drag and Drop

- [Instructor] Yes, yes, this is a video about an InDesign secret, but I'm just starting out in Word to show you something. I want to talk about the feature called drag and drop. Now people either love or hate drag and drop. I love drap and drop. David, my business partner hates it. This is what drag and drop is if you're like, "Huh?" In Microsoft Word drag and drop is turned on by default. Say for example that I wanted to put the word goodbye after the word adios. I don't have to select it and then tediously cut it and then click over here and paste it I could just select it and then drag and drop it right over here. Isn't that beautiful? Or I could take this word adios with the period and put it at the beginning of the word hello. Do you see that insertion bar? That's where it's telling me it's going to drop it. When I drop it right in front of the word hello it's not smart enough to add a space. Now InDesign has drag and drop and it is smart enough to add the space but it's not…
