From the course: InDesign Secrets

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258 Move InDesign artwork to Photoshop

258 Move InDesign artwork to Photoshop - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

258 Move InDesign artwork to Photoshop

- [Voiceover] One of my favorite things about Adobe's products is how well they work together. Like the way you can just open a native layered Photoshop file in InDesign and then turn on and off the layers. Now I talk a lot about that in my course InDesign Insider Training, Working with Photoshop and Illustrator here in the online training library. But you know, sometimes these programs don't work together as well as I'd want them to. For example, I often want to do my initial layout in InDesign but finish it up in Photoshop. After all, InDesign is a much better layout tool than Photoshop, but Photoshop is better at doing special effects, especially in images. Photoshop also has a save for web feature which is far better than anything InDesign can do. So if I'm designing stuff for the screen, that's really helpful. But there's a problem: there's no good way to get InDesign documents into Photoshop. I mean, I could export a png or a jpeg or even a PDF out of InDesign and open that file…
