From the course: InDesign Secrets

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237 Making your style names “legal” for EPUBs

237 Making your style names “legal” for EPUBs - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

237 Making your style names “legal” for EPUBs

- [Voiceover] When you export your InDesign files to HTML or to EPUB, InDesign takes your paragraph styles, character styles, object styles, and table styles and converts them to cascading style sheets. However, cascading style sheet names, the css names, have a must stricter set of rules regarding how you can name styles. Otherwise, web browsers can't interpret, or EPUB readers, can't interpret them correctly. And, much more strict than say InDesign, where people can go ahead and name their styles like this, as you can see in this example with exclamation points and quotes and so on. InDesign attempts to make them legal when exporting to EPUB. It will convert illegal characters to underscores and hyphens. But sometimes two styles that use illegal characters might end up being mapped to the same legal name and then that's called a collision, and InDesign warns you about it. So you have to be careful about naming your styles correctly. So let me show you how you can do it manually, and…
