From the course: InDesign Secrets

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213 Making InDesign run faster

213 Making InDesign run faster - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

213 Making InDesign run faster

- As InDesign gets laden and fitted out with more and more features, sometimes it can slow down its work, especially if your computer isn't keeping up. Now, there are some things that you can do within InDesign's Preferences, and in your Documents, to speed things up, if you find that InDesign is starting to run like molasses on some of your projects. First, I'm going to assume that you have enough RAM and enough hard-drive space. You should have at least two Gigs of RAM, preferably eight. This machine that I'm working with has 16, so the more RAM you can throw at it, the better, RAM is so cheap these days. And hard-drive space, when InDesign runs out of RAM to do things, it turns to hard-drive to use as virtual RAM, on both Mac and Windows, and you want to have at least 10 percent of your hard-drive's capacity available to use for virtual RAM. So, if you have a 500 Gig hard-drive, you want to have at least 50 Gigs free. And you can find out how much RAM and how much hard-drive space…
